Cotopaxi seen from the way to the basecamp of Corazon
Cotopaxi seen from the way to the basecamp of Corazon
Cotopaxi seen from the way to the basecamp of Corazon
Our basecamp with 4790 meters high Corazon
Our basecamp with 4790 meters high Corazon
Our basecamp with 4790 meters high Corazon
Our little tent with Volcan Rumiñahui and Cotopaxi
Our little tent with Volcan Rumiñahui and Cotopaxi
Our little tent with Volcan Rumiñahui and Cotopaxi
6310 meters high Chimborazo at sunset
6310 meters high Chimborazo at sunset
6310 meters high Chimborazo at sunset
Smoking Tungaruha and icy El Alter seen at sunrise
Smoking Tungaruha and icy El Alter seen at sunrise
Smoking Tungaruha and icy El Alter seen at sunrise
Summit of Corazon with the two Ilinizas
Summit of Corazon with the two Ilinizas
Summit of Corazon with the two Ilinizas
Alfred and Marion on the top of Corazon
Alfred and Marion on the top of Corazon
Alfred and Marion on the top of Corazon
Railway station of Machachi our starting point to Corazon
Railway station of Machachi our starting point to Corazon
Railway station of Machachi our starting point to Corazon
School bus on the road to the 4600 meters high mountain hut Refugio Oleas Ruales
School bus on the road to the 4600 meters high mountain hut Refugio Oleas Ruales
School bus on the road to the 4600 meters high mountain hut Refugio Oleas Ruales
Marion with 5790 meters high Cayambe
Marion with 5790 meters high Cayambe
Marion with 5790 meters high Cayambe
Ice fall of Cayambe
Ice fall of Cayambe
Ice fall of Cayambe
Huge mass of ice
Huge mass of ice
Huge mass of ice
Antizana with 5740 meters sea-level the 4th highest summit of Ecuador (after Chimborazo, Cotopaxi and Cayambe)
Antizana with 5740 meters sea-level the 4th highest summit of Ecuador (after Chimborazo, Cotopaxi and Cayambe)
Antizana with 5740 meters sea-level the 4th highest summit of Ecuador (after Chimborazo, Cotopaxi and Cayambe)
Dramatic clouds in the West
Dramatic clouds in the West
Dramatic clouds in the West
Marion with Cayambe
Marion with Cayambe
Marion with Cayambe
Madonna close to the mountain hut
Madonna close to the mountain hut
Madonna close to the mountain hut
Cayambe at sunset
Cayambe at sunset
Cayambe at sunset
Cayambe with Refugio Oleas Ruales
Cayambe with Refugio Oleas Ruales
Cayambe with Refugio Oleas Ruales
The last meters to the summit of Cayambe - On the zigzag of the track we turned back at 5690 meters sea-level due to huge mass of snow and danger of avalanches
The last meters to the summit of Cayambe - On the zigzag of the track we turned back at 5690 meters sea-level due to huge mass of snow and danger of avalanches
The last meters to the summit of Cayambe - On the zigzag of the track we turned back at 5690 meters sea-level due to huge mass of snow and danger of avalanches
Another ice fall of Cayambe
Another ice fall of Cayambe
Another ice fall of Cayambe
Cotacachi (left) and Imbabura (center)
Cotacachi (left) and Imbabura (center)
Cotacachi (left) and Imbabura (center)
Alfred and Tommy on the Colombian / Ecuadorian border
Alfred and Tommy on the Colombian / Ecuadorian border
Alfred and Tommy on the Colombian / Ecuadorian border
Flower in Ibarra
Flower in Ibarra
Flower in Ibarra
Advertisement of an induction cooker in Ibarra
Advertisement of an induction cooker in Ibarra
Advertisement of an induction cooker in Ibarra
Chickens for sale
Chickens for sale
Chickens for sale
Boy playing with the railway of Ibarra
Boy playing with the railway of Ibarra
Boy playing with the railway of Ibarra
Marion and Alfred in Ibarra
Marion and Alfred in Ibarra
Marion and Alfred in Ibarra
Glider falling into Laguna Yahuarcocha
Glider falling into Laguna Yahuarcocha
Glider falling into Laguna Yahuarcocha
Baños seen from the trail to its virgin
Baños seen from the trail to its virgin
Baños seen from the trail to its virgin
Above the virgin
Above the virgin
Above the virgin
Alfred with red flowers
Alfred with red flowers
Alfred with red flowers
Red-yellow flowers
Red-yellow flowers
Red-yellow flowers
Riders close to the viewpoint Mirador del Volcan
Riders close to the viewpoint Mirador del Volcan
Riders close to the viewpoint Mirador del Volcan
Red-white flowers
Red-white flowers
Red-white flowers
Red-yellow flowers
Red-yellow flowers
Red-yellow flowers
Picture in the church of Baños about the fall of the pastor into a gorge - he survived!
Picture in the church of Baños about the fall of the pastor into a gorge - he survived!
Picture in the church of Baños about the fall of the pastor into a gorge - he survived!
Tommy with the Peguche waterfall of Otavalo
Tommy with the Peguche waterfall of Otavalo
Tommy with the Peguche waterfall of Otavalo
Laguna Mojanda seen from the South
Laguna Mojanda seen from the South
Laguna Mojanda seen from the South
Laguna Mojana and Laguna Chiquita
Laguna Mojana and Laguna Chiquita
Laguna Mojana and Laguna Chiquita
4621 meters high Imbabura seen from the way to the Parque El Condor
4621 meters high Imbabura seen from the way to the Parque El Condor
4621 meters high Imbabura seen from the way to the Parque El Condor
Screech owl in the Parque El Condor
Screech owl in the Parque El Condor
Screech owl in the Parque El Condor
Harpy the mightiest Eagle on earth
Harpy the mightiest Eagle on earth
Harpy the mightiest Eagle on earth
Flowers in Otavalo
Flowers in Otavalo
Flowers in Otavalo
Goodies of Otavalo
Goodies of Otavalo
Goodies of Otavalo
Dancing in Otavalo
Dancing in Otavalo
Dancing in Otavalo
Dancing Ladies
Dancing Ladies
Dancing Ladies
Beautiful Ladies of Otavalo
Beautiful Ladies of Otavalo
Beautiful Ladies of Otavalo
Alex and his assistant with the revised motor of our camper
Alex and his assistant with the revised motor of our camper
Alex and his assistant with the revised motor of our camper
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