Click on a circle to expand. Click on an icon to see details and the reference to its article. The respective article opens in a new tab if you click on the line. Line colors show our itineraries. Red: Spain Catalonia - November 15th to December 3rd 2022, Blue: Spain Southeast - December 3rd to December 29th 2022, Purple: Spain Andalusia - Coast East of Málaga - December 29th 2022 to January 27th 2023, Cyan: Spain Andalusia - Coast West of Málaga - March 20th 2023 to April 19th 2023Yellow: Spain Mountains of Andalusia and the way home - April 19th 2023 to May 27th 2023, Green: Spain North - October 21st 2023 to November 16th 2023, Orange: Portugal North and Central Coast including Lisbon - November 16th to December 10th 2023, Steel Blue: Portugal South Coast - December 10th 2023 to January 8th 2024, Dark Green: Spain Andalusia West - January 8th to February 7th 2024 and Dark Purple: Return home from Morocco - April 9th to 18th 2024